Using Angular CLI in an Nx Workspace

Angular: The Full Gamut Edition

Charlie Greenman
April 25, 2021
3 min read
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Now that we've finished side stepping and created an nx workspace, let's finally get creating our app.

Run the following inside the root of your workspace folder.

ng g app angularPixelIllustrator --routing

This will create an app called angular-pixel-illustrator. The angular cli will automatically convert any camel casing to dash case. The --routing flag lets the CLI know to add routing in for you.

Now you can run your app using serve.

ng serve

Using ng serve will open up angularPixelIllustrator app by default. As we add more apps into the workspace, you'll need to flag which app you want to open.

The app will open up at localhost:8080 or localhost:4200. If you're unsure, check your CLI console. It will tell you which localhost server your newly minted Angular application is running on.

It's time to create our first component. For our Pixel Illustrator, we want a form. We will name the component chooseSize.

Wait a Minute!

Before we go ahead and create our component, we need to tidy up our folder architecture. This is influenced by Nrwl and NX, and the example app introduced by ngrx/platform (repo


At the time of publishing this, there is a conflict between ngrx/store and nx folder architectural style.

While this hasn't been experienced yet in the context of this project, having awareness can help you understand the meta nuances of building an application.

Nx is highly opinionated in terms of folder structure. The ideology that governs nx folder structure is that everything should be turned into its own module. All files related to that module should be encapsulated inside of it. This includes pipes, services, interfaces, guards, and enums.

In contrast, when it comes to ngrx prefers turning everything a library that can be shared across the app.

Phew, sidestep over, moving on

Whenever we create a component, we want to encapsulate it into a local module. That way we can add state, pipes, services, you name it, and it will be encapsulated into that component folder.

To create our module, run the following command:

ng g module choose-size

Sidenote: remember, if you have more than one Angular app in your workspace, you'll need to specify the app name so the CLI knows where to generate the module.

To create your component:

ng g component choose-size --export

The --export flag allows us to use the choose-size component without having to manually export. The above command should have created the following file files:

new file:   apps/angular-pixel-illustrator/src/app/choose-size/choose-size.component.css
new file:   apps/angular-pixel-illustrator/src/app/choose-size/choose-size.component.html
new file:   apps/angular-pixel-illustrator/src/app/choose-size/choose-size.component.spec.ts
new file:   apps/angular-pixel-illustrator/src/app/choose-size/choose-size.component.ts
new file:   apps/angular-pixel-illustrator/src/app/choose-size/choose-size.module.ts

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