Typescript - Getting and Setting

Angular: The Full Gamut Edition

Charlie Greenman
April 28, 2021
2 min read
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Creating a getter and setter is a common pattern in an OOP paradigm. When using a class, Typescript offers an internal getter and setter. It is important to note that within the Typescript documentation, a large part of the reason why they create setters and getters is to give a way of intercepting the setting of a particular element. ^1

For example, you want to ensure that only one string is set and to the right thing, you can use a setter to perform this job.

Typescript - Why create a getter and setter?

While it can be seen as syntax sugar, a little bit of sweetness to your code can make it easier to work with.

  1. Getting and setting is a integral part of OOP programming. Before redux came around, it was literally a part of every component without a doubt. Having a function pegged with a get, or set directly before the function, helps specify the intent of the getter, or setter.

  2. Yes, you can technically specify a function that will act as a setter or getter, it's a bit akward within an OOP setting and can lead to unwanted side effects.


You can set and get without using the internal setter and getter that Typescript has to offer. However, the syntax sugar will make it seem like you are natively setting and getting. This also puts emphasis on whenever an item is involved in get and set actions.

Valuable getting and setting within an ngrx/store setting

So the question then becomes, if you are using ngrx/store within your app, what's the reason for using get and set patterns?

The values that you have will either be set through \@Input's within Angular or accessed through your \@ngrx/store.Having a getter and setter within a component that contains deeply nested data would be very useful. For example:

get numberOfDocuments(): number {try {return this.userLog.user.documents.length;} catch (e) {return 0;}}

Now we have a getter with logic, that says that if it doesn't exist, then it will return something 0. We can then do something like the following:

<span> Number of Documents: {{ numberOfDocuments }} </span>

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