The issue: RxJS Error
Without calling out any company, or open source team, I use some libraries that meddle with the RxJS I have in my repo. In particular, their library will use a version of RxJS that is not compatible with the version of their library. Causing the effects in my ngrx/store to emit the error:
RxJS Error: "Types of property 'source' are incompatible"
Here is how to solve that.
How to Solve
There is a simple solution that works, but it took me a while to find it.
I can assure you this is the most efficient solution. Add the following
configuration paths property into your app's tsconfig.json
{"compilerOptions": {"baseUrl": "./","outDir": "./dist","sourceMap": true,"declaration": false,"module": "esnext","moduleResolution": "node","emitDecoratorMetadata": true,"experimentalDecorators": true,"target": "es2015","typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types"],"lib": ["es2017","dom"],"paths": {"rxjs": ["node_modules/rxjs"],"rxjs/*": ["node_modules/rxjs/*"]}}}
This will make it, so that whenever your app looks for anything rxjs related, it will be directed to the rxjs node_module. Not some alternate rxjs path, contained within a plugin. Once you do this, re-run your npm/yarn start and you will be good to go.