Store Selectors

Angular: The Full Gamut Edition

Charlie Greenman
April 28, 2021
4 min read
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Selectors are pure functions. Pure functions are functions which always return the same result, given a certain parameter that take slices of state as arguments and return some state data that we can pass to our components.

Object That We Will be Working With

  settings: {
    column: '20',
    row: '20',
    pixel: '20',
    draw: true,false: false,},
  colorPicker: {
    backgroundHex: '#191919',
    backgroundRed: '25',
    backgroundGreen: '25',
    backgroundBlue: '25',
    pixelHex: '#000000',
    red: '25',
    green: '25',
    blue: '25'},
  codeBox: {
    css: [{'123': {color: blue, x: 20, y: 17}},{'246': {color: orange, x: 20, y: 18}},{'246': {color: orange, x: 20, y: 19}},],
    sass: false,
    less: false,
    js: false}}

Basics of Select using ngrx/store

The simplest method is to grab state by the using store select method:

export const settings$ ='settings');

This will grab the store data for settings and return an observable. So for instance, let's say inside of our component, doing:

this.gridFacade.settings$.subscribe((data) => {console.log(data)});

will produce JSON for:

  column: '20',
  row: '20',
  pixel: '20',
  draw: true,false: false}

Feature State in NGRX

Previously we discussed being able to select a certain slice of state being using However, there are many scenarios wherein it is not as simple as selecting the featureState and passing it to the component. For instance:

  1. When using ngrx/entity, creating a dictionary of values, and an array of ids. In order to grab ids, entities, ids and entities, a specific entity, it's important to be able to have the a base feature selector to work off of.

  2. When having numerous nested peices of data, under one specific feature state slice. We can keep our code DRY [^1], by want be able to build off of nested data on a number of levels.

    Feature State in NGRX - An Example using Ngrx/entity

Ngrx/entity if not familiar already, will use what is called a normalized database. It is a way of having the way of accessing something independent of the actual data. Therefore, it easily allows for an item to be created, removed, updated, or deleted. Ngrx/entity is ngrx/store's solution to creating a noramlized database. Using feature state with ngrx/entity is imperative in order to streamline all the various ways of selecting ngrx/entity data. For instance, let's say we had entities for our codebox, and we wanted to select data in a number of ways:

  1. Select all entities

  2. Select all ids

  3. Select the current selectedId by using an Entity

In order to streamline this process, we would do the following:

const { selectAll, selectEntities, selectIds } = codeBoxAdapter.getSelectors();const getCodeBoxState = createFeatureSelector<CodeBoxState>('codeBoxStateModel');const getCodeBoxEntities = createSelector(
);const getCodeBoxIds = createSelector(
);const selectedBuyerId = createSelector(
  state => state.selectedBuyerId
);const getSelectCodeboxId = createSelector(
  selectedBuyerId,(codeBoxEntities, id) => codeBoxEntities[selectedBuyerId]);

Introducing createSelector

You will have noticed that in the above code we have also introduced the idea of a createSelector.

What a createSelector does, is take the value from a createFeatureSelector base, and build on it. What we have done in our app, for instance, is create a createFeatureSelector for codeBox, a createSelector for codeBoxEntities, and then proceeded to pull from the data nested data within those entities, by using the getSelectCodeboxId selector.

In this fashion we are able to streamline the process of getting the data we need, pass it to our facade. Pass it to the component.ts file we are using, and then use it directly within the component.html.

Final Notes

There is more to be discussed on this topic, however, this covers about 80% of situations wherein selectors are used. By following this formula it allows for selecting data to be cookie cutter. It is highly recoemmended that ngrx/entity be used in addition, to make this cookie cutter process easier.

UI Architecture Notes

With regards to making data re-usable. As an app get's larger, the same sort of data formulation repeats it's self. In cases that involve pagination, sorting, and filtering, these are data sets that are going to repeat themselves time, and time again. Please refer to the chapter on re-using reducer logic, for a practical solution to this problem.

[^1]: Don't Repeat Yourself

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