
Angular: The Full Gamut Edition

Charlie Greenman
April 24, 2021
3 min read
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What is a service in Angular? In Angular, a service is a way to define business logic in a separate file and choose it in our appropriate component when it makes sense to do so.

Services, even though they are a part of the core Angular framework, are by definition created in order to alleviate the maintainability and scalability of an application. However, it is still a part of core Angular, and it is important to be aware of couple things.

Creating a Service and ProvidedIn: Root

In order to create a service, navigate to the folder you would like to create your service and run:

ng g service code-box

This will create a service that by default includes providedIn: 'root', It is important to keep in mind, that Angular provides for services only the ability to add to the constructor something called providedIn: 'root',. It allows for the service to injected without the need to include it in the respective module. It has some performance boosts, besides level of convenience. We will get more into that in later chapters.

What Generally Goes in a Service

A service generally deals with data. This means making data requests, and passing that data into our component. It's best to use Apollo Client instead of Angular's internal http client as it has better GraphQL support for our application. This is what a typical service would look like:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';import { Observable, from } from 'rxjs';import { pluck } from 'rxjs/operators';import { Apollo } from 'apollo-angular';@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })export class UserService {getUser(): Observable<User> {const user$ = this.apollo.query({ query: GetCurrentUser });return from(user$).pipe(pluck('data', 'getCurrentUser'));}constructor(private apollo: Apollo) {}}

In the above code, you will notice that we have created a getUser() method for our UserService. By doing this, we have separated logic from our component, and allow for our code to be more re-usabled. For instance, if we want get the user data, we can simply include the service in the appropriate component, and use the data as needed.

Including Service In Our Component

If we would like to use this service in our component, we can simply inject the appropriate service in our constructor.

// code-box.component.tsimport { Component }   from '@angular/core';import { User }        from './code-box.interfaces';import { UserFacade } from './user.facade';@Component({
  selector: 'px-code-box',
  template: './code-box.component.html',
  styles: ['./code-box.component.scss'],})export class HeroListComponent {
  user: User;constructor(userFacade: UserFacade) {this.user = userFacade.getUser();}}

You will notice in the above we included something called the UserFacade. We will get to this in later chapters. Per our architecture, services should always be fed through the facade file. Regardless, for now, what should be kept in mind, is that including service in the constructor, is all that is needed to consume the service.

Ending Off

I would just like to end off saying that actually creating a service is actually quite simple. It's a piece of architecture, so arguably from an architectural perspective, it is one of the more complex pieces of Angular. However, to create and start using, is a relatively seamless process.

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