Ngrx Entity

Angular: The Full Gamut Edition

Charlie Greenman
April 28, 2021
6 min read
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The Ngrx repo, until recently, is similar to your regular redux app. It included actions, reducers, selectors. There has been efforts to go ahead and create libraries for aspects of ngrx that can perhaps be re-usable.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';@NgModule({
  imports: [CommonModule,],

One of these is \@ngrx/entity.

Ngrx Entity at a High Level

At its core, ngrx entity is an API for manipulating and querying entity collections. In particular:

  1. Reduce boilerplate for creating reducers that manage a collection of models.

  2. Providing CRUD operations for managing entity collections.

  3. Extensible type-safe adapters for selecting entity information.

This architecture works well when creating data as a single source of truth. Let's say in your application, you have a data table on every page that pulls in data. Throughout every page, you have a way of manipulating this data. Using ngrx/entity will allow for this architecture to be fluid, and have all manipulation of data be within a singular area.

Example of Ngrx Entity

Within our app we the ability to illustrate a pixelated character using pixels. Every time that a pixel within the grid is selected, we are going to add it to our store. This store is going to be used to display the code version of the app. In addition, we are going to have to remove the pixel when clicked on within our store. In addition, if we have selected a new color, and we select a new pixel with that color, that pixel should be updated with the proper color. What we have just described is a perfect CRUD app.

Installing ngrx/enity

npm install @ngrx/entity --save

ngrx/entity - A Step Back

Let's step back for the time being and look into what ngrx/entity actually does.

Ngrx/entity will create a list of ids and a dictionary of entities. Let's brush up on entity, list, and dictionary:

That being said, a sample ngrx/entity data structure will look like this:

ids: ['3QOZBAAAQBAJ','y4nmOe0-WD0C','lS5SAQAAIAAJ',],
  entitites: {'3QOZBAAAQBAJ': {
      name: 'Lebron',
      id: '3QOZBAAAQBAJ'},'y4nmOe0-WD0C': {
      name: 'Kyle',
      id: 'y4nmOe0-WD0C'},'lS5SAQAAIAAJ': {
      name: 'Sarah',
      id: 'lS5SAQAAIAAJ'}}

Adapter Pattern - A Primer

Before we go ahead and discuss what an ngrx/entity adapter is, let's go through a quick primer on the adapter pattern in general. As explained in the book, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, an adapter pattern:

Introducing Ngrx/entity adapter

The ngrx/entity adapter, similarly, will take in data, and wrap it inside of ids and entities. So the adapter can be considered as something that will modify the data. The default adapter that comes with ngrx/entity, takes two default values:

  • selectId: A method for selecting the primary id for the collection.

  • sortComparer: A compare function used to sort the collection. The comparer function is only needed if the collection needs to be sorted before being displayed. Set to false to leave the collection unsorted, which is more performant during CRUD operations.

The selectId is the more important default value. This will be the default UUID that will be used within the app. The general idea is that some sort of id will be returned by the database for that particular item. One will then be able to use that id for all crud operations. In addition, most likely pass in that id for your Rest Service, or GraphQL query.

Ngrx/entity Adapter Example

Creating an example adapter, might look something like the following:

  export const adapter: EntityAdapter<any> = createEntityAdapter<any>({
  selectId: (emailStore: any) =>,
  sortComparer: false,

There will then be a series of adapter methods returned by ngrx/entity. Without going into them in detail, here they are:

  • addOne: Add one entity to the collection

  • addMany: Add multiple entities to the collection

  • addAll: Replace current collection with provided collection

  • removeOne: Remove one entity from the collection

  • removeMany: Remove multiple entities from the collection

  • removeAll: Clear entity collection

  • updateOne: Update one entity in the collection

  • updateMany: Update multiple entities in the collection

  • upsertOne: Add or Update one entity in the collection

  • upsertMany: Add or Update multiple entities in the collection

    addOne example

In our app we will be using a series of different ngrx/entity methods. However, we will be using addMany as for the most part many of the methods are very similar.

Let's focus on a specific reducer chapter within our app.

case gridTypes.added {return {
      adapter.addOne(action.payload, state)}}

That would really be it. It will insert a unique id for that specific pixel. In addition, it will go ahead and new entity within the entities object.

Identifying Different Entity Selectors

So far ngrx/entity has given us an adapter, which allows us to choose the id we would like to use for our entity dictionary, as well as our id list. However, what if we wanted to retrieved all of our ids, or all of our entities? It can be a bit cumbersome. So thankfully enough, you saw it coming, ngrx/entity offers entity selectors out of the box.

// get the selectorsconst { selectIds, selectEntities, selectAll, selectTotal } = adapter.getSelectors();// select the array of user idsexport const selectUserIds = selectIds;// select the dictionary of user entitiesexport const selectUserEntities = selectEntities;// select the array of usersexport const selectAllUsers = selectAll;// select the total user countexport const selectUserTotal = selectTotal;

It is important to recognize that these selectors will not actually produce state on their own. What they do is return a function when used in conjuction with the createSelector function, will return the appropriate entity.

How to use getSelectors

These selectors are then meant to be used with the createSelector function. The following is an example:

export const selectUserIds = createSelector(

Now one will have a state that specifically returns ids for a specific list.

Using updateOne

Just to show how convenient ngrx/entity is. Let's say in your app you wanted to update a specific field. For instance, in our app it is going to be the color for a specific pixel.] All you would need to do is the following:

case gridTypes.updated {return {
    adapter.updateOne(, state)}}

The only difference between the signature for addOne and updateOne, is that with updateOne, you are just supplying the id to be updated.

Wrapping Up

Using ngrx/entity will greatly increase the efficiency of your app. Being able to use a CRUD app in this fashion, will simplify the architecture across the app, where this state can be used in numerous places.

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