How we used Razroo to upload NPM

In just two hours!

Charlie Greenman
November 01, 2022
2 min read
razroo image

The value of adding Npm to Razroo?

Just like anything else, Razroo is a one-click code system. So, you can use razroo as an online CLI tool. Alternatively, if someone on your team asks, how do I install a dev dependency, you can just send them a razroo URL such as:

Screen Shot 2022-11-01 at 4.26.57 PM.png

Razroo as a Learning Tool

You can also use Razroo as a learning tool to find out what NPM commands out there exists. As opposed to other blogs that are incomplete, Razroo is a complete documentation of everything that exists in NPM. You will not have to go elsewhere to find what you are looking for. In addition, Razroo is built with practical use cases in mind. Usually, you will not have to put in more than one input to make it work.

Razroo Code CMS - How we upload 30 commands in 2 hours

Razroo has a proprietary Code CMS. It's a code editor UI, that is built to specifically makes uploading code to the Razroo system easy. The novel part about the Razroo Code CMS, is that you can build code the way you are used to, but Razroo will automatically do things on behalf of the user, so anyone can use your code.

Razroo Code CMS demo.gif

Generate from Razroo Web Application to Code Editor

Razroo has a VSCode Plugin called the Razroo VSCode Plugin. Razroo's VSCode Plugin will connect your code editor directly to your web application. This allows you to trigger commands directly from the Razroo Web Application to your local terminal.

Razroo Command Generation Gif Demo.gif

Putting the Magic Together! 2 hours for 10's of thousands of hours saved!

Putting it all together the Razroo system is incredible. For 2 hours of a software architect's time, the world as a whole has now saved 10's of thousands of hours.

This is how we used Razroo to upload NPM in just two hours!

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