
Angular: The Full Gamut Edition

Charlie Greenman
April 27, 2021
3 min read
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debounceTime means that if during the buffer time passed to debounceTime method, another event is fired, it will cancel previous stream. This is a very common use case that is used within search. It can also be used it regular event handlers, to prevent from clicking a submit button multiple times.(However, Angular's internal event handler is usually pretty good at this.)

@Effect() searchImage$ = this.actions$.pipe(ofType(fromBlog.SEARCH_BLOGS),map((action: fromBlogActions.SearchBlog) => action.query),debounceTime(300),switchMap(query: string) => this.blogService.getBlogBySearching(query))

The above is a common re-occuring pattern within the ngrx/effects library. We will be debouncing our search, so that if a user searches again within a given time, then it will cancel the previous observable.


Adding a distinctUntilChanged() operator to your pipe, will make it so that an observable is not changed if current value emitted, is the same as the prior value. A great use case for this, is within the effect we already used within our app.

@Effect() searchImage$ = this.actions$.pipe(ofType(fromBlog.SEARCH_BLOGS),map((action: fromBlogActions.SearchBlog) => action.query),debounceTime(300),distinctUntilChanged(),switchMap(query: string) => this.blogService.getBlogBySearching(query))

The reason we are adding this, is that there is one use case we have not handled yet within our stream. Let's say that a user types part of their name char, proceeds to write charlee, and then shortly thereafter deletes lee, because they decide for this site they would like keep with their nickname char. The letters l, e, and were typed within the 500 debounceTime time limit. However, the deletion of the final letter of l after the deletion of did happen after the debounceTime. AddingdistinctUntilChanged into the mix, makes it so that in this one particular use case, the event is not fired again.


filter in RxJS will very similarly to the method in Javascript, only return those values which pass the condition. We can re-visit our code snippet from the withLatestFrom example.

pipe(ofType(LoadPost),withLatestFrom(,filter([post] => !post),mergeMap([a] => s.getPost(

Here with are taking the currentPost. If it already exists, the filter returns null, which makes the observable cancel itself, as the internal engine of RxJS works.


take will specify how many times a value should be used. A very common example within an enterprise setting, is to use take(1) to unsubscribe from an observable.

// RxJS v6+import { fromEvent } from 'rxjs';import { take, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';const oneClickEvent = fromEvent(document, 'click').pipe(take(1),tap(v => `'${v.screenX}:${v.screenY}`'));const subscribe = oneClickEvent.subscribe(clickLocation => {this.analyticsFacade.locationAnalytics(clickLocation);});

In the above code, we have a specific internal analytics service set up. We want to see the first location that the user clicks on. After that point in time, we no longer want to collect the user data. We have these analytics set up because we want to know on average what is the most attention grabbing part of our site.


takeUntil operator will unsubscribe from the observable once it has satisfied a certain condition. takeUntil is the cleanest way of unsubscribing from an observable.

private unsubscribe$ = new Subject();this.postFacade.blogPosts$.pipe(takeUntil(this.unsubscribe$););ngOnDestroy(): void {this.unsubscribe$.next();this.unsubscribe$.complete();};

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