Data Access Interface

Angular: The Full Gamut Edition

Charlie Greenman
April 28, 2021
2 min read
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A benefit of having a data access folder to manage parts of our data is in the architecture. It lets us see in a single interface all our services, component, state, and respective files.

The Beauty of a Singular Data Access Interface

By having a singular data access interface, we can ensure that the data is being formatted in the same way across the service, component, and state.

In addition to this, it allows us to mock all of specs. By having a singular interface used across the app, it forces the mocked functionality to be in sync with our specs.

Singleton Interface - An Example

For example, let's run through a singleton interface.

export interface User {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  location: string;}//user.service.ts filegetAllUsers(sort: object): Observable<AllBuyers> {const query = AllUsersQuery;const variables = {
      projectId: this.projectFacade.projectId,
      sort,};const allUserss$ = this.apollo
      .query<any>({ query, variables }).pipe(pluck('data'), pluck('allBuyers'));return combineLatest(allBuyers$, (allUsers: User[]) => allUsers);}//user.reducer.tscase UserTypes.UserLoaded: {const user = <User>action.payload;return {...state,
        user,};}// user.effect.ts@Effect()
loadUser$ = this.dataPersistence.fetch(UserTypes.LoadUser, {run: (action: LoadUser, state: UserStateModelState) => {const userId: string = action.payload;return this.service
      .getAllUsers(userId).pipe(map((users: User[]) => new UserLoaded(user)));},onError: (action: LoadUser, error) => {console.error('Error', error);},});// user-page.component.tsloadUser() {this.userSevice.allUsers();}// user-page.component.spec.tsgenerateMockUsers(data): User[] {return {
  }}mockUserService() {allUsers() {return users;}}

This lets us go through all the files which will touch data with type annotations in the data access folder.

As we can see, having the same interface for all of them will ensure we are using the same data. However, there are two things that we are doing that aren't necessarily considered as intuitive:

  1. We have one singular interface for the entire project

  2. We are making sure that we use the same interface for our specs.

how it works

By grouping together all of our data-access elements together in the same folder, and keeping with one interface, it makes accessing data much easier. In many other repos, they will put them all in different folders, and maintain different interfaces, resulting in the potential for the project not to be in sync.

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