Razroo best practices, is that the easiest way to get your app up and running, is to use Material Design within your Angular application. Generally, an organization will want to roll their own theme into Angular Material. When that happens, the developer will have to go ahead and customize the build for material design.
Let's talk about how we can go ahead and do that, and how relatively simple it is.
Understanding Colors in Material
It is important to understand something called a color palette. A color palette in the digital world, refers to the full collection of colors that is used within a particular design. Within a Material Design application, it refers to the collection of colors that can be used within the application.
Material's design language makes use of two main colors for it's color palette. That would be primary and seconday values.
Primary and Secondary Values
Primary - Color displayed most frequently across your app's screens and components.
Secondary - \"Provides more ways to accent and distinguish your product.\" This includes:
Floating Action Button(Literally buttons that float over main content)
Selection controls(sliders, switches etc.)
Highlighting selected text
Progress bars
Links and headlines
Material Color Maps
Based on a primary value, Material will create a color map to used within different components across it's library. It will then create a series of light and dark variants based on the primary and secondary values. The primary and second values must be a map of colors going from lightest(50) to darkest(900).
The Material team has already created a series of 16 pre-defined color maps, for used with it's design system. An example of material green color map, for instance, will look something like this:
$mat-green: (
50: #e8f5e9,
100: #c8e6c9,
200: #a5d6a7,
300: #81c784,
400: #66bb6a,
500: #4caf50,
600: #43a047,
700: #388e3c,
800: #2e7d32,
900: #1b5e20,
A100: #b9f6ca,
A200: #69f0ae,
A400: #00e676,
A700: #00c853,
contrast: (
50: $dark-primary-text,
100: $dark-primary-text,
200: $dark-primary-text,
300: $dark-primary-text,
400: $dark-primary-text,
500: $dark-primary-text,
600: $light-primary-text,
700: $light-primary-text,
800: $light-primary-text,
900: $light-primary-text,
A100: $dark-primary-text,
A200: $dark-primary-text,
A400: $dark-primary-text,
A700: $dark-primary-text,
For primary values, the most used value will starts around 500. For secondary values, the most used value will is 200. The significance of these values is that Material Design will follow a Hierarchical system. The darker the color is, the more of an emphasis we are placing on that button. The lighter it is, the less emphasis we are placing on that element.
Material Design and Sass
In Angular, Sass tends to be the de-facto CSS pre-processor that is used across multiple libraries in Angular. Material Design unexpectedly offers Sass functionality out of the box, and makes it incredibly easy to customize your environment based on sass overrides. Let's install Angular Material, so that we can use Material's Sass Library, and customize the theme as we see appropriate.
Npm Install Material Theme
First and foremost, let's make sure that we have properly installed and Angular Material in our Angular application.
npm install --save @angular/material @angular/cdk @angular/animations
You package.json will now include packages needed to use Angular
Material within the application in general. In addition, the package
) to make the Sass changes we so dearly need.
Import Material Design and Call Core Styles
The next step, is for us to go ahead and import Material Design in our
file. The styles.scss
file can be found in the root
Angular application src
@import '~@angular/material/theming';
// always include only once per project
@include mat-core();
What the above does is import the theming.scss
file that contains all
of the theming variables for material design. We are also calling the
function, which is a,
Using The Material Light + Dark Theme
Angular offers out of the box in the _theming.scss
file a light and
dark theme function. The function looks as follows:
@function mat-light-theme($primary, $accent, $warn: mat-palette($mat-red)) {
@return (-
primary: $primary,
accent: $accent,
warn: $warn,
is-dark: false,
foreground: $mat-light-theme-foreground,
background: $mat-light-theme-background,
It takes in two required parameters:
Primary - Primary color
Accent - Accent color
and one optional parameter called warn, which by default will be red.
So, let's say we wanted to create a custom theme based on some of the
values that Angular provides. We can use the functionality the Angular
Material team provides out of the box. In particular, the mat-light
$px-app-primary: mat-palette($mat-green);
$px-app-accent: mat-palette($mat-yellow);
$px-theme: mat-light-theme($px-app-primary, $px-app-accent);
@include angular-material-theme($px-theme);
Now all of our Angular Material components, will be using our unique theme. (Granted this is based on pre-built colors Angular has provided, but you get the point.)
Creating Our Own Custom Theme
Quite common is that your organization will want to layer their own custom theme outside of the 16 colors that Angular provides. This might manifest it's self in two scenarioes:
A new primary and secondary color
In addition to new primary and secondary color, a new background and foreground color as well.
Designers have a tool that allows them to automatically generate the appropriate color in their design by supplying a singular color. Angular developers have that luxury as well. There are tools that will do that for you. My personal favorite is the Material Design Palette Generator. You will then have the ability to click on the clipboard icon, click on the dropdown for Angular JS 2 (Material 2), and copy the scss variable map. It's really as simple as that.
Create a _themes.scss file
Being that we are creating our own themes, the cleanest thing for us to do would be to place it in it's own _themes.scss file. In addition, assuming that the organization is going to build out more applications, giving it the ability to plug and play the companies theme, will really speed up development for other parts of the company. That being said, Razroo best practices is to create a lib folder for styles.
[libs [common [styles [_themes.scss,file] ] ] ]
and inside of our styles folder, we are going to create a _themes.scss
file. Our generated themes using our primary, or seconday colors might
look something like this:
$razroo-primary-blue: (
50 : #e7f2f4,
100 : #c3dee4,
200 : #9cc8d3,
300 : #74b2c1,
400 : #56a2b3,
500 : #3891a6,
600 : #32899e,
700 : #2b7e95,
800 : #24748b,
900 : #17627b,
A100 : #b3eaff,
A200 : #80dcff,
A400 : #4dcfff,
A700 : #33c8ff,
contrast: (
50 : #000000,
100 : #000000,
200 : #000000,
300 : #000000,
400 : #000000,
500 : #ffffff,
600 : #ffffff,
700 : #ffffff,
800 : #ffffff,
900 : #ffffff,
A100 : #000000,
A200 : #000000,
A400 : #000000,
A700 : #000000,
It's quite a bit of code, but I just wanted to visualize that all of this is created by using the Material Design Palette Generator. I.e. what you can expect when you do the same.
Using Libs _themes.scss file
Inside of our styles.scss
file, we can import our _themes.scss
Assuming we are just changing the primary color and secondary color, we
can do the following:
@import '~@angular/material/theming';
@import 'libs/common/styles/_themes';
$razroo-theme: mat-light-theme(mat-palette($razroo-primary-blue), mat-palette($razroo-secondary-red));
@include angular-material-theme($razroo-theme);
We now have custom themes that we have created. With the architecture we setup, they are available globally to be used by other applications/teams. In addition , using the Angular mat-light-theme function(mat-dark-theme also an option), or app is now using our exclusive theme.
Background + Foreground
It is important to mention that per the Material Design guidelines, background and foreground are not meant to represent brand. They are more so used to convey the energy of the application. For that reason the Material Team does not offer a way of the box to change it. For Razroo's Pixel Illustrator (the world's most complete open source enterprise application that Razroo will be open sourcing soon), we wanted to create a very vibrant application.
This means that we wanted to use our own background and foreground colors. Doing something like this requires a bit more of effort probably from the Material team expecting you to do it less. There are four steps required to change the background to what you want.
Generate color theme maps, using the Material Design Palette Generator
Create a backround theme, and foreground theme for our application.
Create our own custom theme function.
Creating a default background for html + body, being that this will only work as an override for material design components.
// Background palette for light themes.
$razroo-theme-background: (
status-bar: map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 300),
app-bar: map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 100),
background: map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 50),
hover: rgba(map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 500), 0.04), // TODO(kara): check style with Material Design UX
card: map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 500),
dialog: map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 500),
disabled-button: rgba(map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 500), 0.12),
raised-button: map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 500),
focused-button: $dark-focused,
selected-button: map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 300),
selected-disabled-button: map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 400),
disabled-button-toggle: map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 200),
unselected-chip: map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 300),
disabled-list-option: map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 200),
Use the background + foreground color by designer, and follow up with the Material Design Color Palette tool, and create the appropriate color map.
@function razroo-theme($primary, $accent, $warn: mat-palette($mat-red)) {
@return (
primary: $primary,
accent: $accent,
warn: $warn,
is-dark: false,
foreground: $mat-light-theme-foreground,
background: $razroo-theme-background,
$razroo-theme: razroo-theme(mat-palette($razroo-primary-blue), mat-palette($razroo-secondary-red));
// Inject $razroo-theme across angular-material-theme
@include angular-material-theme($razroo-theme);
html, body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: map_get($razroo-background-yellow, 50);
Angular Material will not change the html and body background. You will have to go ahead, and do that yourself.
Overriding Components
After we have overridden our theme in general across the app, there will be times wherein we will need to override specific styles for the component. There really isn't any way to modify the styling ahead of time. The only way is to target the specific material component's class, and to modify it when appropriate at run time. However, what we can do, is consolidate all of our overridden components in a singular place, so that it is well organized. For instance, let's say that we have a dialog that we would like to remove the default padding for in some scenarios, but keep it in others. We would put a dialog file inside of our material overrides folder. Our folder/file structure will look like the following:
[libs [common [styles [material-overrides [_dialog.scss,file] [_material-overrides.scss,file] ] [_themes.scss,file] ] ] ]
We import every material override into the main
file. Then, import the material-override file
in our main styles.scss
Overriding Overlay Components
Overlay components are unique from an Angular Material persperctive. You
will actually have the ability to target a specific class. If you wish
to override an overlay component, overlay components have a panelClass
property that can be used to target the overlay pane. For instance, with
regards to dialogs, we have the ability to add a class doing the
this.dialog.open(PxDialogComponent, {panelClass: 'razroo-no-padding-dialog'})
Now, we have the option to apply a css theme specifically to the razroo-no-padding-dialog class.
.myapp-no-padding-dialog .mat-dialog-container {
padding: 0;
This gives us freedom moving forward, so that we can have multiple appearances for our material components.
Overriding Non Overlay Components
Non overlay components, do not have the option to add a panelClass
be target using CSS. The only solution which truly makes sense, and is
sustainable, is to create a global override on the component itself. So,
let's say that we wanted to change the appearance of our material card
components. Perhaps make the padding a little less pronounced. We would
do the following:
.mat-card {
// this will be 8px
padding: rz-space-multiplier(1);
Wrapping up
Material is a commonly used design language for Angular. It is incredibly simple to set up, a breeze to modify, and excellent for rapid prototyping. It can knock off a significant amount of development time for personal and team based projects.
[^1]: This quote can be found in the _theming.scss