Change Detection

Angular: The Full Gamut Edition

Charlie Greenman
April 26, 2021
2 min read
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Change detection is one of the foundation principles behind Angular. It is a large part of what makes the framework what it is. Understanding the minute details of Angular's change detection can translate to helping us understand all other parts of the framework. In addition, it can help us increase performance boosts.

Understanding Change Detection as a Concept

Without a framework in place, we would change a particular piece of text using JavaScript. For instance, let's say we have a promise which returns data, with that new data, we would do something like the following:

yellowBoxText = newData;

In a framework, doing something like this isn't necessary and one has the option to go lean into the framework to this for you. Here is a quick primer:

<!-- In our html file -->{{}}// In our Typescript filethis.facade.user$.subscribe((userData) => {this.newData = userData;});});

Very simply, using the above, any time that our newData changes, all of the relevant data inside of out html file will be updated.

Understanding Change Detection Performance

Every component in Angular has its own change detection. This means that if data changes for the component, only that particular component will be updated. In addition change detection in Angular is top down. If a parent component is changed then all child components will be re-rendered.

In addition there is the ability to emit data. Even if a component is a parent component, it will still be updated accordingly.

Sibling Components under Same Parent Component

Sibling components under the same parent component will not update unless they both feed from the same component. Keeping change detection at this level from an architectural perspective is really all you need to know. It is important to know about zone.js the internal workings of how change detection works in Angular.

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