Ahead of Time Compilation

Angular: The Full Gamut Edition

Charlie Greenman
April 26, 2021
3 min read
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Angular uses Typescript. The structure uses directives, components, @Input()'s and @Output's. So, when one thinks about it, you start to realize, "hey! Is Angular compiling it to browser ready HTML and JavaScript for me"?

The answer to this question, is yes.

How Angular does that cannot be entirely controlled, as that is handled by the internals of the framework. However, the real question that we should be asking ourselves is when does this happen?

Exploring Ahead of Time Compilation

Without using the ahead-of-time compilation flag --aot i.e.

ng serve

Angular will convert the code from Angular code to browser readable code at run time. By using the --aot compiler i.e.

ng serve --aot

The Angular compiler will compile the code at build time. The benefits of compiling the code at build time are as follows:

  1. Faster rendering - Browser doesn't have to compile code first
  2. Fewer Requests - The compiler will inline external html and css.
  3. Smaller bundle sizes - Angular Compiler not included in bundle size.
  4. Template errors - They happen inside of compiler, instead of at runtime.
  5. Better security - HTML and Components(css included), are compiled into Javascript before the webpage loads. Preventing against many different types of injections.

The internals are somewhat complex, and the Angular documentation does a reallygood job at discussing what that is. From a practical perspective, let's discuss the expression limitations. I will admit, at this time, why there are these limitations is beyond me.

Expression Syntax Limitations

The AOT collector only understands a subset of JavaScript. It's quite a long list. Therefore, when using the --aot flag, and the AOT compiler comes across something it doesn't understand, it will throw the error into the .metadata.json.

If it needs that piece of code to generate the application code, the compiler will complain. (However, I have personally found that there are scenarios wherein the AOT compiler will say that things are working as expected, but it won't actually work).

The ng serve will go through as usual, but it will fail silently in the form of it not appearing on the site. The easiest way to be aware ofthe limitations is to change the config in your angularCompilerOptions.

"angularCompilerOptions": {..."strictMetadataEmit" : true}

By changing the strictMetadataEmit to true, it willemit an error to the console directly, when using the --aot flag. Sometimes the compiler will throw code that it cannot read into an AST.

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