Our Mission
To Reinforce and Enhance Experience by Championing Individuals and Empowering Groups.

What Drives Us
To help design a world where the independent success of a group and individuals directly impacts the success of the company or community.
Having a good heart and strength of character
We believe that the most significant single determinant of success is having a good heart. Having a good heart means having empathy for other team members, sympathy for the product, and compassion for the world in general. Also, believing in yourself, standing up for what is right, and doing what should be done based on principle.
We are a group of passionate people. Our passion extends to general causes, Razroo itself, and open-source projects. We want to work with passionate people.
Think Big, Think Smart + Think Creative!!!
At Razroo, we don't want to be another company that solves a solution in the same way everyone else does. The reason we started Razroo was and is to make an impact! We want to throw in everything we have into Razroo to make it something special and unique. Also, make the world a better place for everyone to live in!
Work/Life Balance + Flexibility
We want to develop a business and business model that allows people to go home and fall in love with life.
Stay Humble.
We recognize we are because of the efforts of previous generations. We are all in this together, and we want to help each other as much we can.
Culture at Razroo
We are very flexible and fully trust our employees. We genuinely want to see our employees succeed. We will generally see our teams are 20% larger than your average team so that we can give the ability for these employees to grow and become something exceptional in their craft. We also want our workplace to be fun. We spend half of our awake lives in the office, and we work towards making our offices a second home. Also, communication is key, as well as vulnerability.
Servant Leadership
Razroo is also a safe space. If you are a part of the Razroo organization, it means we saw something special and unique in you. To us, you are incredibly special. Also, our mentality is that once you join, you are our responsibility. If you are giving us your precious time, to work on Razroo products, or consulting day in and day out, we owe you and your family the world. We will always dedicate resources to make sure Razroo employees (or Razaroons as we call them) succeed and thrive!
We Want to See You Win!
That has nothing to do with anything other than being good people. We want to see you happy and winning. "We are in your corner" is Razroo's approach towards all humans, and we place extra consideration for those under our care as employees.
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Razroo takes pride in it's Angular newsletter, and we really pour heart and soul into it. Pass along your e-mail to recieve it in the mail. Our commitment, is to keep you up to date with the latest in Angular, so you don't have to.